• Sun. Sep 8th, 2024
orthopedic doctors in nairobi

For the most part, bones are solid and stable. But when a bone is broken or fractured, it can cause serious pain and discomfort for the patient. For decades, Orthopedic doctors in Nairobi have used one of four main treatment options for treating fractures: surgery, non-invasive surgery, nonoperative treatment (also referred to as conservative care) and external fixation devices.

Today’s treatments have improved over time thanks to advances in technology and medicine that help heal bone fractures more quickly than before.

Physician-directed surgery

Surgery may be required if you or a loved one has sustained a fracture. Surgery is the most common treatment for fractures and is recommended for certain types of fractures. It can include pins, plates and screws to help stabilize the bone during healing.

Surgery is most effective when performed by a trained orthopedic surgeon who specializes in treating broken bones.

Non-invasive surgery

Non-invasive surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that uses smaller incisions and less tissue damage. It includes arthroscopic and laparoscopic surgery, both used to treat fractures.

Arthroscopy is a technique in which an orthopedic surgeon uses an arthroscope (a small camera) to examine the inside of the joint. The doctor watches the images on a monitor while inserting surgical instruments through small incisions near your wrist or knee joint. These instruments help repair broken bones, torn ligaments, or cartilage damage within these joints.

Laparoscopy involves making small incisions in your abdomen so that surgeons can see inside using specialized tools such as cameras and lasers for performing procedures such as repairing hernias or removing tumours from organs like ovaries or colon.

orthopedic doctors in nairobi

Nonoperative treatment

Nonoperative treatment is the least invasive option orthopedic doctors in Nairobi are using for treating broken bones. It’s used for fractures that are not displaced or in which the bone fragments are not out of place.

For example, if you broke your finger and it’s just a hairline fracture–meaning that your bone is cracked but still connected at one point–you can use nonoperative treatment to heal it without surgical intervention. You’ll probably need some type of splint or cast until your finger heals completely, but otherwise there are no needles or incisions involved!

External fixation devices

External fixation devices are used to treat fractures. They are used to hold the bone fragments in place and reduce the risk of complications by providing constant traction on the affected area. These devices can be used for fractures that are too complex for non-invasive surgery, but they’re not always necessary; sometimes, an external fixator is applied as a precautionary measure before a patient undergoes surgery, just in case they need it later on.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) treats bone and joint injuries and uses your blood to promote healing. PRP therapy can be used for treating broken bones, such as a fractured arm or leg, as well as arthritis pain.


If you have a broken bone, getting it treated as soon as possible is important. The best way to do this is by seeing orthopedic doctors in Nairobi and discussing the various methods that may be used to heal your fracture.
