• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

What Are The Common Mistakes While Playing Kalyan Matka?

ByTom Smith

Jul 28, 2022
How To Win At Kalyan Chart (1)

Kalyan matka is one of the popular games which is played by millions of people. It is a fortune-telling game that helps you know your future and also helps you win lots of money. Many people make mistakes while playing kalyan matka online in order to make their predictions more effective. We will discuss about those mistakes here so that you can avoid them and gain success in this game easily:

Account at different websites.

You should have a single account at one website. If you have multiple accounts, it will be difficult to manage your money and transactions. You will not have complete control over your money because different websites offer different prize money for the same game. Also, every time you switch from one website to another, there is a transaction fee that is charged by the website in which you are registering yourself as a user. Therefore, it is recommended that all players should only register themselves on one particular website so that they do not have to pay any additional charges while playing kalyan matka games online.

Start guessing for a big amount.

It’s quite common to see players predicting thousands of rupees at a time.

chart kalyan

But this is very risky. The chances are that you can lose all your hard earned money in just one go if you don’t play responsibly and follow the rules above. It’s better to start by guessing for small amounts, and then gradually increase the amount as you get more confidence in winning.

Playing with an unlicensed website.

Playing with an unlicensed website is one of the most common mistakes that people make when playing kalyan matka. It’s a big mistake because you can’t win anything if the website is not licensed to offer gambling services. You also can’t withdraw your money from such a site, 

Start playing on the first day despite knowing the procedure.

To play matka, you have to know the procedure. If you do not follow the procedure and start playing without knowing the basic, then it will be a loss for you. So it is better to learn all these things and then start playing.

The first error that people make while playing matka is that they don’t understand what is called “procedure” by playing kalyan matka online or offline?

Procedure means that every player should follow certain steps before he/she starts guessing on any number or any draw of kalyan matka. The basic of this procedure includes knowing about terms and conditions, rules of game and history about Kalyan Matka Game so as to get more knowledge about this game which will help them in increasing their chances of winning guessing amount from the bookie who usually has fixed odds depending upon age group etc.,

Ignoring all the terms and conditions of the website.

This is a very common mistake, especially for beginners who have just started playing matka. If you don’t read the terms and conditions of a website, it can be very dangerous for you because you will not know about the rules that are being followed by them.

kalyan matka

The moment when you will enter into any term or condition, there are chances that they might have some hidden policies which they have not notified otherwise to their customers. And as soon as they apply those unannounced policies on your account, there are chances that all your hard-earned money could be lost in no time at all! So always make sure to read through each site’s terms before starting playing!


I hope you will not make the same mistakes as I have listed above. If you are smart enough to read this article and follow these tips, then surely you will be a winner in the game of kalyan matka.