• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

How to deal with Adult Choking?

There are many ways to choke, but the most common is a food getting stuck in your throat. You may have seen this happen to people in restaurants when they have something go down the wrong pipe. While it can be alarming, Choking First Aid Australia isn’t usually a serious medical emergency. However, if someone is unable to breathe or loses consciousness as a result of choking, call emergency number immediately and follow these steps:

Identify the signs of choking.

Choking can be a scary situation. If you see a person who is choking and they are unable to speak, breathe normally, cough or swallow, they may be choking.You may implement Choking First Aid Australia to the patient.

If you see someone who cannot speak or make a noise while eating food (for example, coughing or gagging), it can mean that something has blocked their airway. This blockage is called an “airway obstruction.”

Back slaps

If you see the object dislodged, stop and check for breathing. If there is no improvement, continue with abdominal thrusts.

  • Back Slaps: Use the heel of your hand to give up to five back slaps between the victim’s shoulder blades.
  • Abdominal Thrusts: Stand behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. Grab their hands in yours and interlock fingers with palms facing each other. Lean slightly forward while applying upward pressure (not enough to lift them off the ground) with your arms on their abdomen just below their rib cage (never punch).
  •  Perform up to five forceful inward and upward thrusts against this area at a steady rhythm of one second per compression until you see an object dislodge or hear/feel gurgling noises coming from lungs indicating expulsion of foreign material into mouth.

Abdominal thrusts

Choking First Aid Australia

If the person is conscious and coughing, give up to five back slaps. Use the heel of your hand to deliver blows between the shoulder blades with enough force to make the chest recoil. If this does not work, try abdominal thrusts (also called Heimlich maneuver).

Perform up to five abdominal thrusts:

  • Stand behind and slightly to one side of the victim.
  • Wrap your arms around their waist at a 90-degree angle while applying pressure just above their belly button.
  • Lift them off their feet as you push inward and upward into their abdomen with quick upward thrusts.

Know how to take care of this emergency

Choking is a life-threatening emergency. The most common causes of choking are food, toys, and other objects. Choking can cause death in less than 10 minutes.

If you know how to deal with choking, you can save someone’s life with Choking First Aid Australia: call for help and then begin CPR if the person does not respond or start breathing again on their own after coughing the object out of their airway.

You should perform abdominal thrusts (also known as “the Heimlich maneuver”) when someone has severe difficulty breathing after something has been inhaled into the throat or windpipe that blocks the flow of air into their lungs.

Abdominal thrusts involve placing a fist just above your victim’s belly button (where his/her ribs end) and pressing inward and upward in quick succession four times while they’re sitting upright or lying flat on their back; repeat until the object dislodges from your friend’s throat or airway!

This technique works best when used while giving rescue breaths between each thrust because it will help dislodge any obstructions within his/her airway so that he/she can breathe normally once again!


Choking is an emergency situation, so it’s important that you know how to deal with it. The first thing you should do is call the emergency number and tell them what’s going on.

If your loved one is able to talk, ask them if they are choking on something or if they have any other medical conditions that could be causing this reaction.

Then try the back slap method before resorting to abdominal thrusts because this could save some time and effort while waiting for an ambulance to arrive at the scene.