SEO is the optimisation of a website or web page for improved search engine visibility and organic traffic. It is the process of designing, testing, and optimising a website or page to improve its ranking in search engines and bring more visitors to it. This is what the SEO Company Gold Coast leverage to increase the ranks of their clients on various search engines.
Image and SEO are two important aspects of web design that require special attention if you want your site to rank well. That’s why this blog sheds light on the factors that need optimisation for an image and SEO-optimised site.
From the file size of your images to the alt tags that you add to your pages, make sure you read all about it here.
File size
Images and SEO go hand in hand. Not only do they help to convey the message of your site, but they can also help you improve your ranking and visibility.
To make the most of your images, the SEO Company Gold Coast suggests making sure your keyword is rich and including alternate text whenever linking to them. Additionally, make sure all your images are of the correct size and file type for SEO purposes.
And lastly, when uploading files, use a high-quality upload method to reduce Google crawling time.
File names
Images and SEO go hand in hand. They both play a vital role in attracting attention to your page and helping you achieve higher rankings. Make sure you’re using keywords throughout all of your content, including in the file name of the image itself. This will help it rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
In addition, make sure you’re adding any images that will help increase click-through rates (CTRs). This could include photos of your product or service or of your website in action.
Finally, make sure your website is optimised for faster loading times. This will help keep your visitors on your page longer and increase the chances of converting them into customers.
Alt tags
Alt tags are an important part of SEO. By including keywords in your alt-tag titles, you can improve the visibility of your images on search engine results pages (SERPS).
Additionally, ensuring that your images have accurate alt tags will help improve the quality of your SEO. To further improve your website’s visibility, make sure it is mobile-friendly and optimised for search engines.
Last but not least, make sure to optimise your title tag, meta description, and header image to ensure the best possible visibility for your website.
Images and SEO are two important aspects of your website that need to be optimised in order to improve your visibility online. The SEO Company Gold Coast recommends working on your images to make the most out of your every SEO effort.
By following the top three factors listed below, you can help to improve the visibility of your images and optimise the search engine ranking of your website.