• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Important questions to ask your property management expert

property management companies blenheim

If you’re looking to rent out a property, it’s important to find a reliable property management companies Blenheim company. But how do you know if a company is right for you? Here are basic questions that will help you find the best fit for your rental needs:

Who pays for the landscape?

Landscaping is an important part of a property, and it can be very expensive. You want to make sure that you’re paying for something that your tenants will appreciate and enjoy, but you also want to ensure the costs are reasonable so you can turn a profit on your investment. How much does the landscaping cost? Will there be any maintenance costs?

property management companies blenheim

How do you plan to market my listing?

A good property manager is going to have a very clear idea of how they’re going to market and sell your home, so it’s important that you ask them about this.

What’s your process for filling vacancies?

If your property management company is proactive about filling vacancies, it will have a plan in place. It’s important to know how they find tenants and screen them, as well as what steps they take when a tenant moves out. Asking these questions will also help you understand their strategy for retaining tenants.

What is your reputation?

As a prospective tenant, you should ask the property management company if they have references. References are a great way to get an idea of how the company operates and what their reputation is in the community. The best way to obtain a reference is by asking previous customers, landlords or even other business owners that they’ve worked with in the past. If a property management company has done good work for one person, then it’s likely that they also provide quality service for others as well.

If there are no previous clients who will give you references on your behalf, try searching online for reviews from past customers. This can give you insight into how well the company interacts with clients and whether or not their services are satisfactory.

Ask these questions when interviewing a property management company.

  • Ask about their reputation. Do they have a good track record? What kind of feedback do they get from clients and tenants? Is there any negative feedback out there that you should know about before hiring them?
  • Ask about their marketing plan (if applicable). If a property management company wants to fill vacancies on your behalf, what steps will they take during this process? How many potential tenants will they contact each month in order to find renters for your properties? Will they provide spreadsheets of all properties with contact information so you can reach out directly if needed?
  • Ask about their process for filling vacancies (if applicable). Do they screen applicants using background checks and credit checks? Do prospective renters need references from previous landlords before being approved by the company—and if so, what kinds of references are acceptable: current or previous employer, friends/family members who live near the rental location and can speak favourably on behalf of prospective renter’s character & integrity during an interview at their home or workplace within past two months following vacancy announcement date.


If you’re looking for a property management companies blenheim, make sure to ask these questions before signing a contract. You don’t want to be stuck with a bad one!