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SEO Tips For Small Business Websites

ByTom Smith

Mar 8, 2022
SEO Auckland

With so many businesses struggling to find users, it’s more important than ever for small business websites to be optimised for search engines using Digital Marketing Auckland. This article will show you the best SEO Auckland tips for small businesses to help them get their site seen.

What is SEO?

In simple terms, search engine optimisation is a process by which a website gets more traffic. There are several strategies employed in this process. These include building content, social media marketing, creating backlinks, and enhancing the site’s usability.

Try to avoid keyword stuffing

Remember that overusing keywords can hurt your site. If you do not have anything specific to say about a certain topic, try to avoid using keywords in the title and body of your blog posts. This will prevent people from thinking that your site is spamming and will help bring in more organic search traffic.

SEO Auckland

Make It Easy for Visitors

You’ve heard it before: people spend up to three times more time on websites that are easy to navigate and with tons of content. When you design a site, make sure that the goal is to create content that encourages readers to stay on your page as long as possible. Increase the opportunities for visitors by giving them reasons to return often and share your success with their friends and family.

Useful information to include

SEO is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic, increase sales and improve your online presence. SEO Auckland is also an art form that requires skill, creativity and a lot of hard work. The tips below can help you get started with SEO on your small business website and will provide you with some helpful references for further research.

Keywords in Title and URL

If your small business website has a keyword in the title or URL, it is relatively easy to rank highly for that keyword. However, if you want to rank highly for two or more keywords at the same time, then it will be difficult given the limited content on your website. For example, if your website was called “How to buy a car”, and you wanted people to click a link titled “Car Buying Tips,” it would be difficult to rank highly for both phrases because there is not enough content on your site.

Calls To Action

One of the main aspects of an SEO campaign is to build links. One way to do this is through calls-to-action (CTA). A CTA can be a link on your website that directs traffic to another website, an email address for more information about you, or a phone number for a specific call centre. Another important way to get more organic search engine traffic is by creating content specifically for the search engine spiders.

Keyword Density

The keywords that are used the most on your website will appear at the top of Google’s search engine results. These are the most important pieces of information for new Google visitors. Keyword density is crucial to get a good SEO ranking and drive more traffic.

Link Schemes

Every website needs links to other websites. When you build a link scheme, you are using tools that are created for promotional purposes and growing your website’s popularity.