• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

What Is Reverse SEO And How Can You Use It For Your Business?

ByTom Smith

Dec 21, 2022

You’ve probably heard of regular SEO, but you may be unfamiliar with reverse SEO. What is it? How does it relate to your business? And how can you use it to help your brand? So to know more and make it use in practice, you need to hire best SEO Company in Ahmedabad.

What is reverse SEO, and why is it useful?

Reverse SEO is the practice of using SEO to improve your site’s rankings in Google. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, SEO refers to search engine optimization—the practice of making changes to a website in order to increase its chances of appearing higher in search results.

 For example, if you want your website to appear at the top of Google when someone searches for “dentist,” then you might be tempted to add keywords like “dentist” or “teeth” throughout your website’s content and meta descriptions. This is one way that businesses optimize their sites for search engines (and it’s called on-page optimization).


In reverse SEO, however, there are no changes made on-page. Rather than using keyword research or adding more descriptive terms into existing content or metadata, reverse SEO involves making changes directly within web code itself—specifically HTML markup and JavaScript—to help increase rankings in search results pages (SERPs).

How does negative SEO work?

Negative SEO is the practice of attacking a website through search engine optimization (SEO). While this isn’t a new concept, it has gained prominence in recent years due to the rise of social media and online marketing.

Negative SEO attacks can be difficult to detect. If you suspect that your site has been targeted with negative SEO, here are some things to look out for:

  • An increase in spam traffic marked as “Organic.” This can happen when someone links back to your site from their own website or blog.
  • A sudden drop in organic rankings despite no changes being made on the site itself. It may be caused by competitors making changes on their websites that affect yours negatively, or by manipulative links being added on sites with high authority within Google’s indexing system (a process known as “link building”).

How can you identify a negative SEO attack?

To identify a negative SEO attack, you need to look for the following:

  • Sudden changes in rankings. If your site suddenly drops in search results or doesn’t appear on the first page, this may be an indicator of a negative SEO attack.

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  • Sudden drop in traffic. If your website’s organic search traffic has dropped by more than 50% within a month, ask yourself whether there’s any sudden change that could have affected its performance. For example, did you recently update or change something about your site? Did you launch a new marketing campaign around that time and promote it heavily on social media? 
  • These factors could explain why your website suddenly experienced more visitors from those sources instead of from organic search results alone. But if there were no such changes made and the drop is still too significant to ignore (more than 70%), then there might be another reason behind it: negative SEO tactics involved!


We hope that this blog post has helped you to better understand the concept of reverse SEO. It’s a powerful strategy for fighting back against your competitors or protecting yourself against negative SEO attacks. 

However, it does take some time and effort to implement effectively—but fortunately, there are plenty of tools available that can help. If you have any questions about process or want more information take help of the most reputed SEO Company in Ahmedabad, after proper research.