The issue of healthy workplaces has become a hot topic in the business world, with many businesses trying to implement healthier policies and practices. Whether it’s to reduce absenteeism and employee health care costs, or simply to attract and retain employees, companies are looking to boost their productivity while also decreasing the amount of sick days they’re willing to give out. Healthy workplaces programs are environments where staff members feel safe and supported. They are spaces where people want to work. Employees value positive training that prepares them for new roles, fair wages, a family-friendly workplace, and flexible schedules so they can take care of their families. So what makes a great place for employees to work? Here are six top reasons why healthy workplaces are hot topics in the business world.
Improves morale and employee engagement
While employee engagement is crucial to employee retention, it’s also important to remember that the two are not the same thing. Engaged employees are more productive, have reduced turnover, and are more likely to take risks. Employee engagement is not only important at the task level, but it’s also crucial when it comes to building and leading sustainable teams. When employees are engaged, they’re excited to learn, they feel like they have something to contribute, and they’re generally more likely to give their best work.
Enhance employee healthy work-life balance
In a healthy work-life balance (WLWA) workplace, employees have the flexibility to choose how they want to balance their work and home life. Many people find that having a second job, a family, or a full-time job gives them the flexibility they need to make sure they have healthy work-life balance. Making it easy for employees to choose when, where, and how they work can boost productivity and engagement. At the same time, there are companies that have implemented strict work schedules, or no-weekend work, in an effort to shield their employees from the family-friendly distractions of life outside of work.
Increases productivity
How can companies improve their productivity, whether at the office or out in the field, and how does it relate to healthy workplaces? The answer is simple: by making more informed decisions. Having access to data and data-driven decision-making is crucial to optimizing productivity. Improving employee engagement may lower employee turnover, which can lead to higher productivity. It can also improve communication among employees, which can lead to more accurate and useful work. And last but not least, it can improve the ability of employees to deliver quality work.
Improves employee health behaviors
Healthy workplaces have been proven to increase employee health behaviors. A strong work culture is another important factor, as is providing healthy snacks and beverages on-site, providing access to toys and books for kids, providing comfortable chairs and negative-pressure areas in the workplace, and having safe, healthy places to eat and drink while at work. Healthy eating habits can have a strong impact on employee health, especially during pregnancy. Having healthy snacks on-site can help avoid eating too much bad food at home, and provide a boost of energy for the employee during the day.
Reduces stress levels
When it comes to stress reduction, there are several factors that can make or break a health workplace. Higher stress levels can be caused by changes in the work environment, including changes in the work schedule, a shift in priorities, a new leader in the organization, or a new project. By implementing simple stress-reducing practices, such as stress-armoring (using tools and strategies that protect against stress), creating a positive work environment where people feel safe and accepted, and providing positive training that prepares people for new roles, companies can decrease stress levels and encourage a healthy work-life balance.
Wrapping Up
While there are many reasons why healthy workplaces are hot topics in the business world, the most important one is that healthy workplaces improve the lives of employees. Employees who feel safe and supported at work are more productive, have fewer sick days, and are more likely to stay with the company compared to others. Workplace health and wellbeing programs also reduce costs related to employee-related health care and productivity loss. With the growing awareness of the importance of healthy workplaces and the benefits they provide, it’s easy to see why these are hot topics in the business world.